Introduction to SoilAir®
SoilAir is a patented technology that intermittently aerates leaching systems and the surrounding soil. This process allows for rapid rejuvenation of failed leaching systems, extends the life of new leaching systems and enhances treatment. The SoilAir system generates supra and sub atmospheric air pressure in the OWTS. This results in oxygen flowing through the OWTS and through the surrounding soils. Through this process, the biomat is transformed from anaerobic to aerobic, the aerobic and facultative microorganisms that flourish in a well aerated environment can then reduce the thickness of the biomat through metabolic activity and enhances treatment efficiencies.
How it works
The patented SoilAir System fundamentally changes the leach field environment with the introduction of oxygen. Air is injected into the leach field and travels into the surrounding soil. The oxygen in the air allows the soil microorganisms to thrive and reach unprecedented population levels. In a process similar to composting, this oxygen allows the microorganisms to reduce (eat) the accumulated organic matter, unclogging the leach field and allowing the wastewater to infiltrate into the soil. Within a few weeks, often sooner, the leach field is back to its original hydraulic capacity.